This Saturday is the annual WHC Village Tournament, this is a fun and friendly end of season celebration at The Park in keeping with the tradition and history of field hockey. Come down for some friendly intra-club mixed matches on the grass pitches, where the ball is bound to bobble right over your stick!
There's no requirement to play, so those that only want to spectate are welcome. There will also be a BBQ to enjoy, alongside the bar serving suitable refreshments! It would be great to see lots of you there.
Volunteers will be required to assist with set up of the pitches, goals, clubhouse, and other equipment for the day. As always many hands make light work so please give up your time to assist if you can. Even if only for an hour or two, all assistance is appreciated so we don't rely on the few regular helpers. Please contact Jane directly or via your Captains/Coaches if you can assist so she can make plans based upon numbers.
Juniors Tournament
A mixture of games for all ages of our junior section of the club. Kids v Coaches, Kids v Parents, Parents v Coaches, plus more. Check your emails for further details.
Lin Ward Cup
A walking hockey match between remnants of our Club President Bob Ward's old 5th Team and the current Mens 4th Team, as well as some 'guest players' for both sides. Sure to be a great watch as the old school dust of their wooden sticks to show a thing or two to the not so new school.
Seniors Tournament
This is a fun mixed tournament on grass pitches outside the clubhouse, all senior players are welcome no matter your level. Balanced teams are decided on the day and a round robin style of tournament takes place. Just turn up with your hockey stick, suitable safety gear, and bring both your yellow home and black away tops. A great and good-spirited afternoon that will end up in the clubhouse afterwards (maybe also during) enjoying a few well earned drinks to toast to the end of a successful season.
There will be a BBQ with food available, details to be confirmed but I'm sure there will be burgers, sausages, etc for a fair price. The bar will also be open for you to enjoy a drink or five, hopefully in the sunshine. Let's aim to drink up as much remaining stock as possible.